Thursday, July 26, 2012

Facebook! The Addiction!

Go Like These Pages!!!!!/DanielleNelsonAguirre

Recently I made the decision to get rid of my personal Facebook profile. Why? Because, I just couldn't handle all the mentally crazed, immature, ungrateful, shouldn't be a parent, trashy TMI'ers!

 I know, I know, you are going to or already are, saying..."Why don't you just delete them or hide them"? Been there, done that! When you hide people and you have a smart phone, the smart phone isn't so brilliant. It hides them on the PC version but not on your phone. Well, you can't see their banter when you click on the app, but your phone still blows up with their notifications. I have tried turning notifications off on my phone but to no avail have I been successful. So with that said, I decided to just convert my personal profile to my page. 

Now, in doing so, I have the luxury of not having to read any one's nonsense! In order for me to see it I have to click on the person's name that I care enough to find out what's new with them. I no longer have an annoying and aggravated feeling. I found myself day to day becoming very irritated after reading my news feed. Let's be real folks...The news feed is like a train wreck, you know you should look away but just can't! I tried so many times to convince myself that what I was reading should allow me to pat myself on the back. Ha! Not even! It just pissed me off even more because I was unable to "comment" what I really thought! I mean, it's completely inappropriate to start a confrontation on a social network right? That only makes me look as if I am stooping to their level, correct? It is just beyond me how people think it's even remotely OK to post the things they do. That's who they are I suppose and who I am doesn't really fit into that part of the social network world. So, bottom line.....Facebook is no longer my addiction.

A note to everyone who were a part of my personal profile.....

Dear Ex and current Facebook pals,

To my dear friends and family,
 I hope you all would know me well enough to know, that, my leaving the personal profile world had nothing to do with you. I enjoyed reading your posts and interacting with you all. I am very sorry if any of you were made to feel like you had done something to push me to making this choice. Please know, it was not you. I love you all and hope that you will stop by my page from time to time to say hello and maybe let me know about any big announcements in your life. I am unable to comment on your personal pages because having just a "Like" page has very limited settings, but, please know, I am always checking on you guys and will miss the regular coffee and catching up<3

To the idiots that make Facebook unbearable,

I just want  to thank you for making the rest of us feel sane and well rounded even when we are down on ourselves. I will enjoy the piece of mind I will bask in knowing I never have to read your silliness again! I can only hope that one day you will come to your senses and realize how ridiculous and insane you portray yourselves to be to the public! The only advice I have to give you is to possibly look into a shrink. One more thing.....If you don't want people telling you how it is then don't post it. You guys really look especially stupid when you post your business and then tell people it's none of their business...FYI morons...You just made it millions business!

As always...Sending sanity and freedom from the morons in your day..from my clean space in the cyber world to yours...Much Love,Dani

1 comment:

  1. I love that. There are many reason why i still have my facebook page. Very good blog post hun =). Love you
