Wednesday, June 27, 2012

50 Shades Of Yum Yum (Mature Content)

Who has been reading "Fiftty Shades Of Grey"? I know this girl has! Even though it is a steamy love story about a straight couple I have been completely enamored by it. I cannot tell you what this story has done to open the inner sex goddess within me. I am so much more open to acting on my fantasies then ever before. I used to completely be the "vanilla" type in the bedroom, but, not anymore.

I have seen so many positive and negative reviews and talk of this book. However, I cannot help to think that those who have bad things to say are just still in that "embarassed" place. You know the place where in your mind you fear if you say what you really want sexually you're a "freak"? This is so very sad to me. If you just allow yourself to open yourself up completely, it can be so freeing. It can also make a happy marriage or relationship over the top happy. Sex is not meant to be embarrassing. It's meant to be an intimate, emotional roller coaster of incredible feelings both physical and emotional. I know there are a few people that will find this blog repulsive, and that's fine. This is intended for those who want to experience something higher than "vanilla". This book really does help a woman to find her inner beauty and sexy. It can awaken things deep in a womans soul that she may have never really knew exsisted because it was shoved so very deep down inside. Reading this book, I felt I had been a pressure cooker of sexy all this time, that never quite boiled enough to blow the lid clean off it!! After reading this, boy did my lid ever blow. POW! Flew right out the window......

Dom/Submissive Roll playing:

To most people this probably seems a bit brutal and quite frankly, border abusive. This couldn't be any further from the truth. It's all in what you like, what turns you on. How many of us women have just longed for the spontaneity of our partner to just take complete control. Wanted really hot carnal sex? It's part of a woman's psyche like it or not. There is something sexy in feeling like the most desirable woman of your time when your partner just ravishes you. This is how Dom/Sub can work. It can be extremely kinky or a little kinky. Being tied up and blind folded can be both nerve racking and very exciting. The nerve racking part is because you are putting complete trust in your partner to care of you and recognize your sounds. Meaning, a moan of pain or utter euphoria. The exciting part is all of those wonderful butterflies fluttering around in your stomach and the heat and need to be touched coursing through your body. The anticipation of your lady parts being filled with mind blowing pleasure! You feel incredibly sexy and so very desirable. 


Now I used to really find this a bit embarrassing to delve in. Honestly, I tried it and now I LOVE IT! It is nothing to be embarrassed about. If it is done right it can be very stimulating. There are many variations of spanking. The garden variety type as in with your partners hand or with a device of some sort. I enjoy the garden variety type as well as a flogger. I know, I know, some of you ladies are thinking...A freaking flogger? Is she nuts? NO! Not at all. If it is used properly there are so many fun ways to be spanked with this. My personal flogger has  feathers at one end and soft leather strands at the other. Both are delightful for teasing. Lead your partner, talk to he/she let them know what you like and dislike. This opens you up to being more verbal about your needs. Just go with it. I promise you will be pleasantly surprised!

Roll Playing:

Try this before the big meeting in the bedroom. Set up a night where you and your partner decide on a place to meet. Now this can be a hotel, bar or club. Dress in your sexiest attire and go from there. It feels naughty and is very sexy. My personal favorite, is when my wife meets me at a local martini bar and engages me in conversation as if I caught her eye sitting at the bar. The conversation is often very stimulating. It starts very slow than usually grows. We talk about everything, except our real lives. Anything from politics, our hopes and dreams and usually ends up becoming very sexy. Well, I'm sure you can all guess what comes after that. Try this. It really can renew each others physical attraction in each other.

This Post:

Before reading Fifty Shades Of Grey I would have never wrote a blog like this. I would have found it to be entirely too embarrassing. This book truly has helped me a great deal. I no longer view sharing something so intimate with my wife ,taboo or off limits in fear of her judging me. Sex should be fun, satisfying and sexy. NEVER embarrassing or shameful. If you have not read this book you really should. The series is a whopping $30 of sex therapy. It sure beats paying thousands on divorce or a lifetime of never opening up to your inner goddess. I really believe that beauty is not only an outside thing it's an inner thing too. If you find your inner sexy you will see yourself in a whole new light. So reach down inside and pull her out...She'll change your life.

Here's to floggers, handcuffs, blindfolds, roll playing, to your Christian or Anna from my inner Sex Goddess to yours...Much Love Dani

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