Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Inspires you? Stop Complaining and Find Something!

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So this morning I find myself feeling a little uninspired, so, I decided to go read some current events. I know, current events? For inspiration? Sounds a little far fetched i know, with all of the negative press out there right now with the world falling apart at the seams. Believe it or not reading a few stories that were less than heartwarming, it truly made me think with my heart and not with the mind. It is my opinion, when, one only allow themselves to think with their mind, you limit yourself to a world of possibilities. Thinking with our hearts is more often than not, thought of as impractical. Thinking with our minds is the key to solving all of life's problems. Well, I challenge you to challenge that. 

So many times I read or hear with my ears someone writing on paper or saying verbally, I am ugly, my life sucks, I cheated on my spouse/significant other because they don't give me what I need, I wish I had a better house/apartment, I am too fat, I am sick of having to walk to work, I am sick of working, my kids are getting on my nerves, I hate my sister/brother, I wish I had a better car, the list goes on........

Number 1: 

I am sorry that you feel as if you are ugly. Could it perhaps be that you are so blinded by your feelings, that you allow it to dictate all that you do? Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Being beautiful on the outside DOES NOT define the word beauty itself! Beauty has many different meanings. I personally love it when it is conveyed from one's most inner, deepest, sincerest expression. From one's true self. I understand that it is taught to us by those who surround us that beauty is " blemish free skin, big tits, great hair and a size 3". This couldn't be any further from the truth!!! Beauty is finding and returning love, whether you love yourself or someone else. It's getting up everyday rain or shine and truly appreciating the fact you have lived to see another day. It's finding hope when you feel there is none left to have. It's sticking your hand out to lift someone when they have fallen from grace. It's inside of all of us, if we just reach down in and pull it out. So next time you  are in front of a mirror for the purpose of taring yourself down, don't look. Close your eyes reach down inside yourself and say out loud, "I am beautiful, I am worthy, I am wonderful despite how I feel about my shell." After all, remember, when it is time for us to leave this superficial place and move on, it's our "SELVES" our "SOUL" that moves with us. Why? Because, that's who we are. Our bodies do not make us the person.

Number 2: 

Your life sucks? Well, be happy you have one! Get up off your butt and do something about it. Remember, life is what "YOU" make of it not others. There are so many people out there who have been dealt nothing but grief, hardships and inexplicable pain, yet they push forward everyday thankful for the smallest things and find it within themselves to inspire others and give hope. So, bottom line, stop wasting your time and the others that surround you and suck it up buttercup because you have no one to blame but yourself!

Number 3:

Cheating is the answer to your relationship problems? Really? Your partner not giving you what you need justifies the fact that you are laying down with someone else? NOPE! There is no justification for such things. This one really chaps my rear end! I have heard so many people carry on about how horrible their partner is, yet they stay and do not leave. Instead they have their little love slave on the side. To me these people are cowardice and pukes! It's selfish, anyway you deal it. To me, it screams, "I am a greedy person"! "I am incapable of practicing honesty and love." "I cannot entertain commitment, nor do I even remotely know the definition." I am probably going to piss some people off with this next part but those who know me, know I speak my mind! Military spouses, not all, really, really piss me off on this subject. You sit up here and talk about the other military spouses who have cheated while their spouse is deployed, then the minute your spouse deploys, off you go on the prowl. Your partner is in harms way fighting with their lives so you can have that freedom of choice to cheat and not be stoned for it and you repay him/her by hopping into someone Else's bed? Remember, next time you get under the sheets with someone else that there is a million other's like you and there is a reason why you are judged and categorized. Come on people, do the right thing. If you are not happy, show some respect to the other person and yourself and get out of the relationship before you cause something irreversible.

Number 4:

I wish I had a better apartment/house. Are you kidding me? Um, how about you being thankful for having a place you can call yours to lay your head down at night? There are so many people out there that are without that luxury. Yes! LUXURY!!!!! As the days pass, it is becoming more and more apparent that having a home rented/owned is in fact a luxury not a basic necessity. With companies closing and the job market declining and basic needs sky rocketing it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain a home. People who have worked hard all of their lives have lost everything and all you can complain about is the fact you don't live in a Soho loft style apartment or a Bel Air stupidly large home? Remind me to stay clear of you because that tells me you are a bit superficial. My home is not "Better Homes and Gardens Magazine" worthy, but you bet your last breath I am thankful for it everyday and it "INSPIRES" me to be thankful for what I have!

Number 5:

The ever so popular, I'M FAT!( Now this does not apply to people with a serious medical problem that is causing a weight problem.) Well, put the damn fork down and do something about it! I am one of those people who has some excess junk in the trunk and under the hood. I'm choosing to do something about it instead of bitching about it. I am choosing to make healthier food choices and becoming more active. I am not going to the gym, but I am doing things that require me to be somewhere other than the couch flicking through channels while eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's Caramel Sutra ice cream! Take a step back and ask yourself why am I eating too much? The answer is probably going to be that you are self medicating. I know that's what my problem was. I was going through a tough year with some family issues and I found a lot of comfort in food. Did it solve my problems? No! Not at all! If anything it created more. I grew out of my clothes and it sent me into a downward spiral of low self esteem which in turn, I became a blackout drunk on the weekends. Substance is never the answer to your problems. Admitting to yourself that there's a problem and doing the hard work to fix it is where one's happiness and redemption lies.

Number 6:

I am sick of having to walk to work! You jackass! How about you being thankful that you have 2 working viable legs to walk to work on? How many of our soldiers come home from work with their legs gone and or paralyzed? How about that teenage girl, the star cheerleader with a shot at a $40,000 scholarship in the wheelchair, depraved of it because a drunk idiot chose to get behind the wheel? How about that little boy that was born without even getting to walk one step because he was born with a debilitating disease? Are you kidding me? Again, stay away from me, you are superficial and uninspiring.

Number 7:

I am sick of working! Well, move aside and give your job to John and Jane Doe they want nothing more than to have a job so they can provide for their family but every job they have applied for won't give them a shot because they don't have an address or they just are not hiring because business is slow. Get a grip! That job is keeping you afloat. You may not be eating steaks and lobster, but you're eating. Jane and John are an inspiration and have left an everlasting mark and not a human stain like the unthankful.

Number 8:

My kids are getting on my nerves! I know, I know, this doesn't seem so horrible to say. However, if you really stop and think about it, it kinda is. This morning when I was reading the current events I came across a sad video. It was comprised of these mother's clinging to neatly folded American flags at their Child's graveside. These of course are the Mother's of fallen Soldiers. This struck a cord in me. Mother's day is around the corner and these Mom's will be wishing they could go back just one more time and relive that moment their little one came running through the door covered in mud tracking it all over her freshly mopped floor. A messy bedroom, picking up that loaf of bread, lunch meat and mayonnaise. Stepping on the matchbox car that her little man left on the floor, Cleaning little Emily's face because she got into every last drop of Mommies makeup. She would give anything to tuck them in safely at the end of a crazy day and hear, "Mommy, I love you". So, my point is, things can be scrubbed, vacuumed, put away, but wasting your time with your babies complaining all the time cannot be given back. You never know what tomorrow brings, let that moment be what it is and don't let it take away from the rest of the precious minutes you have with your little one's.

Number 9:

I hate my Bother/Sister! Your siblings can be the best friends you will ever have. Don't dwell in the small stuff, trust me, it is not worth it! I would give my legs and arms if I could have my Baby Brother here with me. He passed away at the young age of 19. He was my everything. He was tall, handsome, so very smart, kind, loving and had so much to give. Unfortunately, life proved to be more than he could handle so he committed suicide. This was the hardest thing I have ever had to cope with in my life and I have been through some pretty horrible things. Anyway, my point being, don't sweat the small stuff, Appreciate and value each other's differences. Never let jealousy rear its ugly face. Praise each other when you accomplish something. Lend a hand when either of you need to pick up the pieces of mistakes made. Forgive, when forgiveness strengthens the bond of your relationship. Nurture, each others dreams. Be their biggest fan and tell them you love them even when you're mad as hell. They could be gone in a flash and you don't want to look back and say..."I wish I would have".......


I wish I had a better car! Hello, MORON! Is it getting you from point A to point B? Um, shut up then, because you could be like ^Number 6 who complains about having to walk to work because he/she has no car and doesn't appreciate the fact they have 2 viable working legs. Embrace what you have, because it's more than what other's have!!!!

Some of you may find this to be less than desirable and I am OK with that. What  I was actually shooting for was for people to be inspired. Find the positive in what you believe to be negative. With all of the above said.......

Sending inspiration and positivity and realness, from my heart and soul to yours....Much Love Dani

1 comment:

  1. love it =). everyday i come across somebody who complains about the things they don't have instead of being grateful for what they do. =)
